Saturday, August 8, 2009

A little Karaoke, a little rope climb, games

Heidi did a great job planning the reunion. Most everyone enjoys sitting around playing games, we also have fun with the skits, this year Heidi added Karaoke and a movie. So all of that plus lots of food and little sleep and lots and lots of visiting. It was a great time and I loved spending time with all of you.

More family reunion pictures

I have been keeping scrapbooks of our family reunions since we started and we have been doing this for 17 years. There are 8 children and we have each had two turns planning the reunion all except Heidi, this is her third time. whew. We sure missed the family that were not able to make it and sure glad that the ones that made it were able to take time out of their lives. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!

I love my family

D and A K family reunion 2009. We had the reunion at mom's family cabin. It was great fun. Except that nobody showered for several days and we all looked and felt like it. But it was great fun and we had a great turnout.

Blueberry picking in Oregon

While I was in Oregon one of the things we did in addition to the Coast and moving, Blueberry picking. It was quite interesting and fun. I can't remember the name of the patch that we went to but the lady was very nice. There was a competition to see who found the biggest berry. We picked 29 pounds of blueberries. We ate a lot, had a blueberry cobbler and blueberry pancakes. It was fun. Here are a couple of pictures.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ashlee and Cortnee do the shopping!!!!

The girls were given the responsibility of doing the grocery shopping while I was gone. I told them they had $100 to spend each week and if they could stay as much under that as possible that would be great.
I had to laugh when I looked at the one receipt that was in the kitchen when I got home. They had only spent about $50 but this is what they bought. TV dinners, chocolate milk, pillsbury biscuits, pillsbury orange rolls, gum, Tonys frozen pizzas, they actually bought fruit. It was funny. These are the things they like and it was fun for them to actually have the responsibility of doing the shopping. Ashlee told me it was pretty weird. But they did it. The first week I had put things on the grocery list and she did get all of those things and some fun things I won't always buy for them. New and exciting things.

Oregon trip for Judy

I offered to go to Oregon to help my sister Lora move. She has really been struggling with her back and so I thought I would help out. She called and suggested that I call our brother Russ, he and his family are going up to go camping with Lora and her family. Then I could drive back to Utah with her and her kids when they come for our family reunion.
Russ and Jenni and their kids were wonderful for taking me with them. We camped at Camp Lookout by Tillamook Oregon. It was a nice campground, kind of old but close to the beach. The temperature was cool but the kids and Russ actually played in the ocean. We camped from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. We went to Lora's house for Friday night. Russ and his family headed out early Saturday morning. They took Lora's two youngest with them. Anyway Saturday we did some packing and to the farmers market in Hillsboro. Sunday church and then Monday the moving happened. George had hired some movers, boy were they ever a treat. But we got most everything moved out of the old house and into a new one. And it was sooooooooo hot. We learned later in the day that it was 105 degrees. We were literally dripping. We were hot and tired but felt that by the end of tuesday we had things pretty good. Lora felt that she could leave the next morning and be gone for almost 10 days. So we headed out at 4:45 a.m. We actually made really good time and made it to my house in 14 hours. Marc had headed out for a high adventure camp in the tetons so I won't see him until Saturday. this is the longest I have actually been away from him and the girls. He has been gone and the girls have been gone but I am usually home....i missed Marc and girls but I was glad I was able to go.
I have asked my neice to send me a couple of pictures if I get them I will try to add them to my blog.