This year we had planned on purchasing into the worldmark timeshare program. So last year when we were in Washington we purchased a one week vacation that allowed us to be locked into the same rates as last year if there was a change in the price. I know all of the sales pitch. So we planned on going to St George during spring break. Since mom and dad's 50th anniversary is coming up and we may go somewhere extravagant we didn't plan to do too much this year. Marc's neice Tanya passed away during that time and so we were here with family. Anyway, we ended up changing our vacation plans to Midway over the 4th of July. Marc and I went up on Tuesday night, Ashlee and Cortnee were at their moms, then we both worked on Wednesday. Wednesday night I picked up Ashlee and Cortnee and they each took a friend with them. Ashlee invited Cami and Cortnee invited Morgan. We then picked Marc up from work ( well at least eventually we picked Marc up from work.) Always long drawn out stories but we ended up getting to Midway around 8:00 p.m. I think. The next day we went to Park City and spent the day at the Park City Resort. I think that is what it is called. It is at the base of the ski runs by the ski lift. The Alpine slide is there and they also have a zip line and a roller coaster to name the big draws. But there is also a small miniture golf course, a human maze, a carousel, a trampoline that you gets strapped into so you can do back flips and such. Anyway, quite the fun place. We were there from about 11:30 until 9:00. In case anyone is wondering it is very pricey but since we were on vacation and not doing a whole lot this was our splurge. In case anyone is wondering the alpine slide and the zip line are not really worth it but the alpine coaster, now that was FUN!!!!with a capital F, if anyone remembers our BORING with a capital B trip to Mesa Verde a couple of years ago. On Friday we took the girls over to the Homestead and they went swimming and snorkeling in the crater. The pictures aren't great but they are what we have. Midway did a pretty good fireworks show for the 4th and we went home on Saturday. And that is our 2008 vacation.
That sounds like a lot of fun, I will try to remember all of your words of advice on what is fun and what is not fun if I ever go there.
I am going to start paying attention to your life, without being so me centered!
sounds like so much fun with a capitol F and I am so glad that you shared, and if I am really cool someday I will be like you and noreen and take that same vacation!
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