Ok, so I think I mentioned Marc and I celebrated our 7th anniversary.
Well Marc, Cortnee and I celebrated our 7th anniversary.
Ashlee went to a region dance with her friends. We went to McGraths.
It is amazing to think that 7 years have passed already...... even though some days it seems soooooo much longer.
I wish I had electronic pictures of the girls on our wedding day. They were so little and they had so much fun dressing up and having their hair all curled. Hmmmmm......... how would it be to have them want their hair curled now?
They look back fondly to playing with all of the kids, but I know Davids name comes up. I believe there was a little cat torture. And who could forget the rattle snake? And thowing the superball over the edge of the lawn down to the parking lot.
Anyway, 7 years and I am grateful each and every day for the opportunity that I was given to be a mom to Ashlee and Cortnee. (Even though they have a mom) . I don't have any other children and I know they love me and I love them just like they are my own. Ewwwweeee I bet I'm going to get some gagging from them when they read this blog. Marc has been just wonderful at allowing me to be a part of all of their lives. Once again, love ya, honey.