Cortnee is in orange
Ashlee and Cortnee said our blog is boring (and I'm sure they meant with a capital B). I kind of suspected that would be the case when I started. Our lives have been very busy with soccer. I have also been trying to workout with my friend Shauna ( that is kind of a time consuming process). I think that with all of the running around I do for the girls I should be losing weight or be in shape. Not happening. Marc and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. I had a very uncooperative picture family. But I am going to post the pictures anyway. We also have had some sickness. Ashlee, Cortnee and I all had colds. Marc is just getting it now. Ashlee ended up getting the worst of it. She woke up one morning to a very swollen Uvula ( the thing that hangs down in the back of your throat). So we made a trip to the emergency room. Turned out to be a bacteria. They gave her a boatload of medication and I think after a week she is doing better. We (the girls and I) joined mom and dad at the Desert Star theatre for Spamlet. We got season passes for christmas last year as did mom and dad. Marc was camping with the Aaronic priesthood so he couldn't make it. I mentioned to Marc that I don't know if season passes to desert star are all that good. They are funny but almost overkill if you go every couple of months. It seems to me that I have enjoyed it more when it has been awhile since the last time I went. Marc disagreed and has really enjoyed going. In the meantime I have been trying to finish some baby quilts and Lora said I need to post pictures of them so she can see them, so when I am done I probably will. So is that a lot for you all to look forward to?????? This picture of Shilo was so cute I had to post it. She is so funny when she is tired (which is frequently )she loves to dig under covers. I have a pile of blankets down in the computer room and she digs herself a little hole. Especially if we are taking too long to go to bed. Marc went downstairs and she poked her head up out of the blankets and it was too cute.
I am definitely looking forward to the quilt pitcures! And your blog isn't boring. I love the pics of the girls & the dog--it's all great. Did you ask the girls what would make it exciting? I guess you better get bungee jumping & sky diving. :)
you know the girls can post if they want to, lora has her girls help. So they can't complain. although I like hearing what is going on so just tell us all the details, like I had no idea you were all sick, you would think I would know more with you so close, how sad.
It looks like the girls love soccer, I am glad you are sharing some pics. I look forward to the quilt pictures. Oh and Heidi I knew Judy was sick :D JK, don't feel any guilt I am totally just having some fun. Glad you are feeling better Judy,and I hope Marc gets over it quick.
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