Today is Marc's birthday. He is 45!!!! In case I haven't mentioned (or you haven't spent more than a couple of minutes with him) his new passion is mountain biking . So after the craziness of our day. About 9:00 p.m he gets to open his presents. For his birthday he received a new helmet, new gloves and a couple of lightweight polyester shirts. He was happy.
But the start of his day goes something like this. Well I should start by telling you that the last couple of weeks he has been riding his bike home from work once a week. He takes the bike into work the day before he plans to ride it home. Leaves it and then rides it home the next day. So I take him to the bus stop and he has a route all planned out. Well he calls me and tells me that he got on the wrong bus ( I hope this isn't old age setting in) He ends up at the University Hospital and the last bus going to his work is over. So he walks to work by the zoo from the University Hospital. He said it only took him about 40 minutes. He said he was very tempted to take trax home. But he rode home and had a good tail wind and had green lights all the way. Happy Birthday Honey, we love you.
I definitely would have taken trax home. Thank heavens for good tail winds (and green lights). :) And Happy Belated Birthday to Marc!
I meant to call and say happy birthday, but I didn't so Happy Birthday Marc. just Sat. we passed that place Mazza(is that right?) and we thought about how we went to dinner there around the guys birthdays(I think). We should do that again sometime, or something.
Happy Birthday Marc. I think that is great that you ride your bike that far(I actually have a hard time picturing how far that is in my mind, but it sounds like a long way).
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