These are some miscellaneous pictures that I have been going to post for so long. Of course my Shilo. She is just so cute. The quilt pictures are just some quilts that I have made. The top one is a chenille quilt. I took a class at JoAnns and have done two now. They are different and kind of fun. By the way at JoAnn's I used one of their very nice Husquavarna sewing machines and would like to purchase one some day for a measly $1200.00. The Moesser sign is a vinyl sign that I purchased after we bought one for Mom for mothers day. You put your family name in they large letters and then over the top in smaller letters it says "Be true to who you are and the family name you bear." I don't think that my smaller letters show up as well as mom's do. So I may have to do some changing.
I was just remembering that Kelli tagged me. I just told you a couple of things about myself that I bet most of you didn't know. I can't think of too many things. I started working at Mervyns through the end of the year. To date I think I have spent more than I have made. But they do give you excellent discounts. It is kind of fun to spend $150.00 and save $350.00. I am kind of having fun, but I am tired and I feel bad that Shilo is home all day by herself. I know that sounds crazy. Starting the first of the year I am going to be working at a pre-school and am very nervous about it. Anyway, I think that is pretty miscellaneous.
I want to make one of those quilts, you did an awesome job of course and like always. I like the vinyl letters also, and of course Shiloh :) I never saw Mom's letters some one needs to take a picture at Mom's and post it :) (No pressure)
Thanks for the comments. I am so happy to finally be able to comment back. I will try to take a picture at mom's it looks really very nice. Love you.
I have a picture of moms vinyl but I will have to just email it, too much info for my blog.
Judy I swear I already commented here, I don't know what happened.
I said something about how I want you to show me how to make one of those quilts, well both actually.
and I am so glad that you have posted.
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